Friday, November 9, 2012

LDIF( LDAP Data Interchange Format):    

          The LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF) is a draft Internet standard for a file format that may be used for performing batch operations against directories that conform to the LDAP standards. LDIF can be used to export and import data, allowing batch operations such as add, create, and modify to be performed against the Active Directory.

Using LDIFDE to export and to import directory objects:

1. Export the user accounts from the source domain.

      I have created two user account named sam and jaison under domain controller.

At the command prompt , Type:

ldifde -f <file path were  you want save ldf file> -s <server name> -d  "<root domain>"  -p <Search Scope (Base/OneLevel/Subtree)> -r "<LDAP search filter  (Default to "(objectClass=*)")>" -l "<List of attributes (comma separated) to look for in an LDAP  search>"

Eg:  ldifde -f c:/exportuser.ldf -s DC-01 -d "dc=mydomain,dc=com" -p subtree -r "(&(objectcategory=person)(objectclass=user)(userprincipalname=*)(givenname=*))" -l "cn,objectclass,userprincipalname,givenname,samAccountName"

User details imported to  exportuser.ldf file, 

Now I'm deleting both user accounts which i have created.

deleted both user accounts.

2. Import the users from Export to Import:At command prompt, type:ldifde -i<Import Mode> -f <source file location>Eg: ldifde -i -f "c:\exportuser.ldf"

User accounts are restored, this is very simple example to LDIFDE and how it works,