DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) is the protocol used by network devices (such as PCs, network printers, etc) to automatically obtain correct network parameters so they can access network and Internet resources such as IP Address, Default Gateway, Domain Name, DNS Servers and more.
A DHCP Server is considered necessary in today's networks. Devices usally found providing this service are Windows servers, routers and layer 3 switches.
A terminal server provides out-of-band access for several devices. Out-of-band access is through a router's console or aux port versus in-band access that occurs over the network using telnet. Generally, a terminal server is a router with multiple, asynchronous ports that are connected to other devices, such as the console port of other routers or switches.
This cable is referred to as a CAB-OCTAL-ASYNC cable or just OCTAL cable.It provides eight RJ-45 rolled cable asynchronous (async) ports on each 68-pin connector. The 68-pin connector is attached to Interface Async 1 of the terminal server. Each RJ-45 rolled cable is connected to the console port of each router in the lab. For configuration purposes, each rolled cable is referred to as an asynchronous line in the configuration. Each line is numbered beginning with 2001 to 2008. So, R1 is attached to async 2001, R2 is connected to 2002, and so on up to 2007, which is connected to the Catalyst 1900 switch, leaving 2008 unused.
LAB Structure
Terminal Server
Router# config t
Router(config) # hostname Server
Server(config)# interface fast Ethernet 0/0
Server(config)# ip address