Sunday, August 23, 2020

The Quarantine Days



  Artist :  Surjith C S    

             Face Book Link:  Surjith C S 

                  Place: Uduma  Kasargod, Kerala 


                                                        The Quarantine Days

                   It is such pleasure to introduce my brother, who has done such a fabulous pencil drawing on his Home Quarantine. ( Don't be mistaken, he is not Covid Positive.) He is such a great talented artist, who doesn't got any basic education on his pencil drawing. I take this opportunity to congratulate him, I know he haven't  took a pencil for years, 

" Everyone should know their talent which is hidden inside, those who know the talent, if you are utilizing it, they will be the winners of the life journey".

He is very hardworking person, who is very curious to learn new things, i wish him all the very best. 

                 The year 2020, which was came  with new hopes and joy, but all of the sudden everything got changed,  all the people got affected by the Covid-19 virus, we never seen such tragic attack in our era. Everyone got affected, there was no age barriers. we have seen the news that  people are  begging for the medicine, and treatment. People are dying without fulfilling their dreams. Baby's, Children's,  Mother's, Father's, Grand parent's,  everyone, everyone, everyone..... dying because of the  Covid-19 virus. Economy got affected, people lost their jobs, we are in a situation that we have never faced before.  

I have a request to every one, those who are in the affected area please please please..  'Stay at Home' and please follow the government rules and regulations. Use quality masks and gloves,  use hand wash and sanitizer always. if you have symptoms don't panic, be bold,  please call to nearest Health centers or Hospitals for the proper advice.

 I would like to thank all the Health worker's, Doctor's, Nurse's, Hospital  staff's, Asha worker's, Police officer's, Government officials, Ministers  etc, those who are helping the people to overcome this pandemic situation.

We will  over come this pandemic situation,   

Here is the drawings from my brother. 

Pencil Drawing

Pencil Drawing

1 comment:

  1. Broii😘😘😘😘proud of you ma broii😘😘😘😘
